Comments from participants.
From my perspective it was the most effective and actionable professional learning in economics that I have undertaken.
All of it was really valuable. It was great to hear some of the activities Matthew does with his students.
I found the whole day very informative - I particularly liked the sessions on mapping and murals of economic concepts
I liked the conversation about how best to structure the HSC course. Also found the final session of the day valuable, discussing various tools, information resources and the monetary policy & fiscal policy topics.
Having not taught Economics before it gave me a great insight into how best to think about the syllabus as well as providing ways to present topics.
I thoroughly enjoyed Mathew's delivery, and he has excellent strategies to use in the classroom to engage the students with the content. That was one of my dot points. I walked out feeling inspired and with much more confidence, and I am ready to change my delivery and programs as I have a more precise concept of organising my lessons. A huge thank you to you for organising and to Matthew!!
Brilliant ability to clearly articulate clear course content and how adjust teaching strategy
Brilliant, Matthew was brilliant in explaining content and setting at a level that students could understand
Matthew Parsons - Teaching the HSC Economics Course - Year 12 focus - Master Class*
9.00 - 9.15 Introduction + Outline of the day
9.15 - 10.30 - The big picture of the Year 12 course that you and your students need to know
An experts guide to how the whole HSC course fits together and is examined. How to prepare for teaching Year 12 and Year 12 - the homework and preparation to do before stepping into the classroom
Morning tea
11.00 - 12.00 - Specific teaching techniques across the content
Skills and techniques for engagement, understanding and assessment across all topics. Hands on practical techniques and teaching approaches that you can immediately put to work.
12.00 -1.00 - Teaching Topic 2 and the balance of payments (and external stability)
The key early learnings before diving into dot point frenzy. Practical guidance on content, sequencing, formative and summative assessment for topic 2 - with a particular focus on balance of payments and external stability issues.
1.45 - 2.00 - Teaching policy and issues
Guidance on engaging with areas students find challenging.
2.00 - 3.30 How to teach literacy and exam skills for multiple choice, short answers and essays.
* This is teacher identified PD
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Matthew Parsons HSC MasterClass - ONLINE
Year 12 Focus - 60 days access to videos and resources from our 2023 live event
Valid for 2 months