Comments from participants.
Fantastic presentation yesterday - congratulations on designing such a powerful learning and feedback tool via developmental rubrics for Business Studies. You should rightly feel proud of your work. You are giving students and teachers tools to allow the demonstration of knowledge and understanding via written responses. Likely the most valuable PL I have done in 33 years of teaching mate.
Thank you for a great professional development day yesterday! Really appreciate all the resources, didn't know we'd be getting them to take home! Thank you for your explanations of the case study and ratios and everything else yesterday and thank you to Omar as well for his invaluable advice on business report writing strategies.
I thoroughly enjoyed the course last week. The best PD I have done in 20 years Truly!
I loved the new way to look at marking developmental rubrics for Business Studies. I have already spoken to my Head of Department about this approach, and we are looking at embedding it within our teaching programs.
I intend to use it very explicitly to teach students how to respond to examination questions - we have already been unpacking the key terms, but this will take it to another level
Business Studies Reloaded - ONLINE and F2F
"The best PD I have done in 20 years Truly!"
This course combines John Hattie’s work on Visible Learning with the latest findings from the Assessment Research Centre (ARC) at the University of Melbourne. Specifically, the course explores the processes involved in composing and using developmental rubrics to identify students’ Zones of Proximal Development (ZPD) in Business Studies. Further, this course applies the theoretical underpinnings related to the principles of developmental teaching and learning to the NSW Preliminary and HSC Business Studies courses.
Using developmental rubrics to teach students just outside their learning comfort zone (ZPD) enables students to develop the necessary skills to meet all desired learning outcomes. Professor Patrick Griffin and the team at the Assessment Research Centre from the University of Melbourne have published an evidence-based process which enables teachers to use developmental rubrics for the purpose of locating students’ ZPD levels. This course extends on these evidence-based practices and provides Business Studies teachers with the tools to make evidence informed teaching decisions.
A teacher working within a developmental construct (one who uses developmental frameworks or progressions) needs to understand that a student’s learning will typically follow a series of progressive steps of increasing complexity in the skill being developed. This course provides teachers of Business Studies with the most recent evidence-based strategies to create developmental feedback systems which promote visible learning in the classroom.
Completing Developmental Teaching: Business Studies Reloaded will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework addressing standard descriptors 5.1.2, 5.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.